Blended Emergency First Aid Training

Integrated First Aid Training Approach

The Integrated First Aid Training Program represents an advanced educational strategy that combines digital coursework with direct, hands-on learning experiences. This dual approach facilitates the delivery of foundational knowledge through online modules, enabling learners to absorb critical information at their own pace before stepping into a physical classroom.

Such a structure ensures that the face-to-face sessions are highly focused on enhancing practical skills and applying theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Specifically, the Emergency First Aid course is designed to be efficiently segmented into approximately 3 hours of online learning, complemented by 5 hours of intensive in-class instruction. Completion of the online portion is a prerequisite for participating in the subsequent in-class training.

This blended methodology not only optimizes the learning experience by distributing educational content across different mediums but also caters to diverse learning preferences, ensuring that all participants can engage with the material in a manner that best suits their individual learning style. The online modules cover a broad range of topics, from basic first aid principles to more complex procedures, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of emergency response before practical application.


This Integrated First Aid Training Approach is a comprehensive and adaptable educational model that prepares individuals to face emergency situations with confidence and competence.

By leveraging the strengths of both digital and direct instruction, it offers a balanced and effective means of acquiring first aid certification, setting a new standard for emergency preparedness training.

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Empowering Brantford with life-saving skills, ABC CPR offers top-quality First Aid and CPR training. Your safety, our mission – because everyone deserves to be a hero.